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go to hospital

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去医院看病用英语说如下:Go to hospital;Hospital;go to the hospital;gotohospital。例句如下:(1)But...if you cut your finger and you need to go to hospi...

"go to hospital"与"go to the hospital"的区别

1、go to hospital 去住院。2、go to the hospital 到医院去(看病、探望人、工作等)。

go to the hospital和go to hospital的区别是什么?

go to the hospital和go to hospital的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同 1、go to the hospit...

go to hospital与go to the hospital的区别

go to hospital与go to the hospital的区别:意思表达不一样。我们中文常说去医院,就是去看病的意思,当你说go to ...

go to hospital与go to the hospital的区别

go to hospital与go to the hospital的区别主要在于定冠词the。 go to hospital指去住院看病,是指病人自己去住院。 go to the hospital指去到医院,指在医院工作,或去医院探望病人的...

go to hospital 和go to the hospital 有什么区别

go to hospital 住院;去医院看病;去看病; I go to hospital for one month with burned arm, it make infection. Infection goes all the way to my heart...

go to hospital和go to the hospital哪个是去看病

go to hospital 是肯定去看病的 区别是 go to hospital 含义是住院;去医院看病;去看病,go to the hospital 含义是去医院;,可以去看病也可以去看望其他人 例句 ...

go to hospital 和go to the hospital有什么区别?

go to hospital 是指住院治疗或看病。go to the hospital是指去探望病人

go to bed和go to the bed的区别是什么?

意思不同:go to bed,意思是上床睡觉。go to the bed,意思是到床边去。侧重点不同:go to the bed,只是做了去床...


去医院的英文:go to the hospital、come to the hospital。hospital 英 [ˈhɒspɪtl] 美 [ˈhɑ:spɪtl]n.医院;收容所;养老院;〈古〉旅客...

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